Kamis, 14 Mei 2015



fandom can be defined or explained as the state of being a fan or all that encompasses fan culture and fan behavior in general, or the study of fans and fan behavior.
the definition of an audience is: an assembly of listeners or spectators.
the definition of fanatic is: marked or moved by excessive enthusiasm and intense uncritical devotion.
the definition of a fan is:
1) an enthusiastic follower of a sport or entertainment or
2) an enthusiastic admirer (as of a celebrity).
fandom is expressed individually (ex. a fan surfing the Web for sites about their favorite celebrity) and/or collectively (ex. a sporting event or concert).
Texts or commercial commodities are the objects of fandom (ex. celebrities, movies, music videos, teams, etc.)
Fiske defines three fan "reactions" to their text of choice:
1) semiotic productivity is when fans use their object of fandom to create social meaning in their own lives (ex. a fan who gains confidence watching his or her favorite character on TV).
2) enunciative productivity is when fans express their fandom to the outside world through speech or appearance (ex. fans wearing their favorite team's jerseys).
3) textual productivity is when fans create texts based on their object of fandom (ex. fan fiction).

These are the most general of definitions. They apply to all types of fans, which include sports, film, music, celebrity, theatre, and so on.

In my opinion the best explanation of fandom appears in this journal article: Mass Communication and Para-Social Interaction.

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